The disk space function shows the full capacity of information that you could have on a shared hosting server at any time. With a desktop computer, for instance, this would be the total size of one hard disk or the total capacity of all the hard disks in case that your computer has more than 1. The same way that the space on a PC is shared between installed computer programs, documents, music etc, the server disk space is divided between website files, databases and e-mail messages. Each file, folder and email takes some storage space on the server, which means you should think about a variety of factors, not only the size of the files that you will upload. To give an example, receiving large email attachments or having a script-driven internet site in which the user-generated info is located in a database may also affect the space you're using.
Disk Space in Shared Hosting
We've designed our Linux shared packages with the idea that the hard disk storage should never be a setback for your web sites. While many web hosting suppliers set up accounts on a single server, and in fact, the most popular Control Panels are intended to run solely on this type of platform, we have used a different solution. We have clusters of servers that take care of each aspect of the web hosting service, so that your files are stored on one cluster, the emails on another,your databases on a third one, and so on. On this cloud platform we achieve a few things - the disk space is actually inexhaustible since we are able to add as many servers and hard disk drives to our clusters as needed, and we increase the performance of each machine because only one type of system processes will run on it. This custom setup will help you improve your sites as much as you'd like without worrying about not having enough hdd storage.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you buy a semi-dedicated server plan from our company, you will not have to concern yourself with the hdd space that you're able to use due to the basic reason that the attribute is unlimited. Unlike many other hosting companies that advertise the same service, yet create accounts using just a single machine where only so much hard drives can be attached, we take advantage of a revolutionary cloud platform using groups of servers. Your files will be stored on a single cluster, your e-mail messages on a separate one, your databases on a third one etcetera. This platform provides at least two noteworthy advantages - first, the disk storage can never finish because we are able to attach additional servers to any cluster that needs them, and second, the servers will operate much more smoothly for they'll handle just a single kind of system processes. A semi-dedicated server plan offers you the opportunity to expand your websites as much as you'd like.
Disk Space in Dedicated Servers Hosting
Our Linux dedicated servers hosting packages come with numerous HDDs in order to match the processing power that you'll get, which means that you will never need to be worried for running out of disk space. The hard disks can be used in RAID, this means that a drive can function as a mirror of another one to guarantee that your info will be backed up, or it can be used on its own for even larger overall storage capability. Many hundreds of gigabytes of hard disk space will be at your disposal all the time, therefore you will be able to operate huge websites, upload huge files and back up your personal archive. Considering that a dedicated server is definitely the most powerful form of web hosting, you'll be able to upload/download files with very fast speeds. If necessary, we also give you the option to include more hard disks and make use of even further storage space for your data. We offer 3 hosting Control Panels with our dedicated servers - when you use Hepsia, all your domain names will share the full server space and they will be managed from a single place, whereas with DirectAdmin and cPanel you'll have the possibility to set up individual website hosting accounts with pre-defined disk space allocations for each domain name hosted on your server.