E-mail Forwarding
What's e-mail forwarding? Just how does it work? In which situations is it especially handy?
With an email forwarding activated for any specific e-mail address, all inbound email messages will be forwarded to a third-party address that you've selected although the latter won't be in the list of recipients and the email sender will not be informed exactly where their email goes. Feel free to use this type of function in case you have numerous email addresses because it will be far more convenient to get all incoming e-mails in one mailbox instead of signing in and out of different ones on a regular basis or configuring a number of mail boxes in an email application. In case you manage a company as well as an enterprise, the e-mail forwarding is also a solution to check all e-mails obtained by various divisions for better coordination. You can also use this function the other way round - an email sent to a standard email address can be forwarded to several people.
E-mail Forwarding in Shared Hosting
It really is easy to set up forwarding for just about any email created inside a
shared hosting account with our company. This can be done either when you set up a brand new e-mail address through your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, or any time later because the forwarding may be activated and deactivated for any current mailbox with a few clicks. You can also choose if a backup copy of the inbound emails will be kept on our servers, a very handy option. This will be a fail-safe whenever the remote mailbox is not accessible for whatever cause, not mentioning you will always have a backup of all your messages. When this option is not activated for a specific e-mail on our end, an incoming email will be received and sent forward, so no record of it will stay on our server. In case the remote email address is unavailable for the moment, you will lose this message.
E-mail Forwarding in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Using a
semi-dedicated server plan from our company, it requires just a few mouse clicks to forward any emails managed in the account to any third-party mailbox. It will be possible to achieve this from the feature-rich Email Manager part of the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel and throughout the process you could also choose if a backup of your email messages should be kept on our servers or not. The aforementioned feature is optional, yet handy as you will get a copy of your incoming e-mails, so even if anything happens with the other email address, you simply won't lose any info. You'll be able to activate or deactivate the forwarding for any mailbox whenever you want and forward the e-mails to numerous email addresses if you want. Additionally, you will be capable to check out a list of all email addresses that will be forwarded as well as where the email messages are being sent to.