FTP, which is an acronym for File Transfer Protocol, represents the most popular way to send website content to a hosting account. Using an FTP program that’s installed on your desktop or laptop PC, you can make a connection to your website hosting server and copy all of the website files that you want with a few clicks of the mouse. You can do this via a user-friendly interface and it is as simple as dragging ‘n’ dropping the aforementioned files. The advantage of using File Transfer Protocol is the fact that you’ll be able to create separate accounts, each one with a different level of access to your web space, so if you must grant somebody access, for instance – a web designer, they’ll be able to connect only to one particular folder and won’t be able to see the rest of your content or any other information, including personal details. Three things are needed to be able to connect via FTP – a hostname, which is usually an IP address or a domain, a user name and a password.
FTP Accounts in Shared Hosting
Setting up and administering multiple FTP accounts will be exceptionally easy with each of our Linux shared packages. This service is not restricted, so with our easy-to-work-with Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you will be able to set up as many FTP accounts as you need to administer your sites and to get your web-connected tasks accomplished. In case you hire a developer and they’re done with the website, for example, you can change the FTP password or remove the entire FTP account with only one single click via the Control Panel. For your convenience, you’ll be able to view a list of all the accounts that you’ve created and the directories that they can access. Useful options such as updating the path or the password and downloading an auto-config file for commonly used FTP programs are also just a click away.
FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting
You will be able to access your semi-dedicated server account via FTP regardless of the plan that you have opted for at signup, since the FTP access is one of the standard features that you will get. All our packages include an unlimited FTP account quota, so you can set up as many accounts as you want via the Hepsia Control Panel with which you will be able to administer your web content as well. All the accounts will be listed in alphabetical order in the Control Panel and if you do not need a particular account anymore, you can simply remove it and prevent individuals who have used it previously from connecting to it again. This functionality is especially handy in case you use the services of a web designer or in case an IT professional leaves the company and you don’t want them to access the web files any longer. An in-depth Help repository that includes instructional video clips will help you administer your FTP accounts if you do not have any past experience.