If you have your own web hosting server, virtual or dedicated, you will be able to launch your own hosting reseller business and to get good money in a niche that keeps growing each and every year. With the increasing need for websites, you will need just 3 things to start - a server; a payment application, which is the connection between your electronic store and the hosting space; and an account with a billing processor, that will help you accept online payments. As there're ready-made reseller applications available, the use of your own server will give you further control over the software environment. The ability to install server-side software, for example, gives you a benefit over rivals and will mean many more satisfied customers. Using a standard reseller program, the accounts are created on a shared server, which means that no software can be installed and, for that reason, some websites may not operate efficiently. Having your own reseller company provides you with the option to generate a profit, while you can still use the server for hosting your own Internet sites as well.
Reselling Options in Dedicated Servers Hosting
With a dedicated server from us, you will have everything you need to start a profitable hosting business almost instantly. We have several different plans, so as to give you a chance to pick the perfect one when it comes to the resources that you'll need as well as the initial budget that you have at the start. All the servers feature full root access, that will permit you to install anything your customers may need for their Internet sites. Two of the three web hosting Control Panel choices that we supply are suitable for starting a reseller business - DirectAdmin and cPanel. They both feature user and reseller levels and different advantages. If you get the server with DirectAdmin, you can not only have direct clients, but also sub-resellers. When you acquire your server with cPanel, on the other hand, you will get an eNom domain name reseller account and the ClientExec billing and support software, which will enable you to offer ticket support and to accept online payments.