When you register a domain name, you are requested to provide a genuine address, email account and telephone number in accordance with the policies approved by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). This info, however, is not kept only by the domain name registrar, but is visible to the general public on WHOIS check sites too, so anybody can view your information and lots of individuals may not be OK with that fact. As a result, plenty of registrars have come up with the so-called Whois Privacy Protection service, which conceals the registrant’s contact info and upon a WHOIS check, people will view the details of the domain registrar, not those of the domain owner. This service is also called Whois Privacy Protection or Privacy Protection, but all these terms refer to the exact same service. Now, most of the Top-Level Domains around the world allow Whois Privacy Protection to be added, but there are still country-code extensions that do not support this service.
Whois Privacy Protection in Shared Hosting
You can easily enable Whois Privacy Protection for any domain name that you have registered through our company if you have a shared hosting account with us. This can be achieved through the exact same Hepsia Control Panel, via which you manage the hosting account itself, so you won’t need to sign in and out of different systems. In the very same section where all your registered domains will be listed, there will be an “Whois Privacy Protection” icon for every domain whose extension supports this service. The status of this icon will quickly show you whether the Whois Privacy Protection service is activated for a certain domain name or not and by clicking that icon you can add the service in case you haven’t done so during the registration process. What’s more, you’ll also be able to renew or to disable the Whois Privacy Protection service for any domain using the same icon and the update will take effect immediately.
Whois Privacy Protection in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Activating Whois Privacy Protection for any domain is exceptionally easy in case you have a semi-dedicated server. If the domain is registered with our company, it will be listed in the Registered Domains section of the Hepsia Control Panel that comes with every semi-dedicated server package. If a particular generic or country-code top-level domain name is Whois Privacy Protection-eligible, you will see a small symbol on the right-hand side of that domain. To activate the service, you’ll have to click on it. In the same way, you can also renew or remove the service. You can activate Whois Privacy Protection for a domain name during the account order process as well, but since the Whois Privacy Protection service is optional, we’ll give you the opportunity to add it to any of your domain names later if you think things over and opt to conceal your private details from the public after you’ve already created the account.